-What is L.O.A.B? It is a online community site to bring bronies together, as well as spread the brony community thru out the world wide web.

-What do you post on here? Mostly news about the brony community, Artwork, Fanfic's, news about brony meetup's, and other things.

-Can i help? While i mostly run this site alone (being OCD) it would be helpful to have some people searching for content and sending me stuff to post since i don't have the time to do that all on my own. I will make a post explaining all this.

-Rules for submitting stuff? If you have anything (Fanfics, Artwork,news) that you wish to submit, be sure it has non of the following before sending it in.
1. No Graphic Adult only content allowed.
2. Do not post anything that discriminates others.
3. No Cupcakes Material PERIOD!!!!!
If it follows these guidlines then send all material to chrisp663@gmail.com

-How often do you post?- I will try and post at least once a day on here, but when i have more time and followers that number may go up.

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